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Saxon Math 7 6 Pdf Download Free


Saxon Math 7/6 PDF Download Free: A Comprehensive Guide

If you are looking for a math curriculum that is rigorous, comprehensive, and effective for your homeschool student in grade 6 or 7, you may have heard of Saxon Math 7/6. This curriculum is one of the most popular and widely used math programs among homeschoolers and private schools. But what is Saxon Math 7/6 exactly? What are the benefits of using it? And how can you access the PDF version of it for free? In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will also provide you with some tips and suggestions on how to use Saxon Math 7/6 effectively in your homeschool.

What are the main features of Saxon Math 7/6 curriculum?

Saxon Math 7/6 is a math curriculum designed for students in grade 6 or for grade 7 students who are struggling with math. It is part of a series of courses that move students from primary grades to algebra. The curriculum consists of a student textbook, a tests and worksheets book, and a solutions manual. The curriculum has five instructional components:

saxon math 7 6 pdf download free

  • Facts Practice: Students practice basic math facts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division daily.

  • Mental Math: Students develop mental calculation skills and strategies through oral exercises.

  • Problem Solving: Students apply their math skills to solve word problems and puzzles.

  • Daily Lessons: Students learn new concepts and skills through incremental development and continuous review. Each lesson has four parts: warm-up, new concept introduction, lesson practice, and mixed practice.

  • Cumulative Tests: Students take tests every five to ten lessons to assess their understanding and progress.

In addition to the daily lessons, there are also Investigations, which are activity-based variations of the daily lessons that explore topics in more depth. There are 12 investigations in Saxon Math 7/6.

The topics and skills covered in Saxon Math 7/6 include:

  • Functions and coordinate graphing

  • Integers

  • Exponential expressions

  • Prime factorization

  • Order of operations

  • Number lines

  • Decimal place value

  • How to find the percent of a number - How to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa

  • Rounding numbers

  • Geometric solids

  • Area and perimeter of polygons

  • Volume and surface area of prisms and cylinders

  • Angles and triangles

  • Ratios and proportions

  • Probability and statistics

  • Measurement units and conversions

  • And more

What are the pros and cons of Saxon Math 7/6?

Saxon Math 7/6 is a well-respected and widely used math curriculum that has many advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the pros and cons of Saxon Math 7/6:


Thorough: The curriculum covers all the essential topics and skills for grade 6 or 7 math in depth and detail.Dry: The curriculum is not very engaging or colorful, and may seem boring or dull to some students.

Solid: The curriculum builds a strong foundation for algebra and higher math by teaching concepts systematically and logically.Overwhelming: The curriculum may be too challenging or fast-paced for some students, especially those who struggle with math or have learning difficulties.

Outstanding: The curriculum has a proven track record of success and excellence, and is widely praised by homeschoolers and educators.Time intensive: The curriculum requires a lot of time and effort from both the student and the parent, as each lesson can take up to an hour or more to complete.

Spiral approach: The curriculum uses a spiral approach that introduces new concepts gradually and reviews old concepts frequently, ensuring mastery and retention.Repetitive: The curriculum may seem redundant or tedious to some students, as they have to practice the same skills over and over again.

Incremental development: The curriculum breaks down complex concepts into smaller, manageable steps, making it easier for students to understand and apply them.

Continuous review: The curriculum reinforces learning through constant review and practice, preventing gaps or forgetting.

Real world problems: The curriculum connects math to real life situations and applications, making it relevant and meaningful.

Problem solving: The curriculum develops problem solving skills and strategies through word problems and puzzles, enhancing critical thinking and reasoning.

How to use Saxon Math 7/6 effectively in your homeschool?

If you decide to use Saxon Math 7/6 in your homeschool, you may wonder how to make the most of it. Here are some tips and suggestions on how to use Saxon Math 7/6 effectively in your homeschool:

  • Choose the right edition and level: Saxon Math 7/6 has two editions: the third edition (published in 2004) and the fourth edition (published in 2012). The third edition is more widely used and recommended by homeschoolers, as it is more compatible with the previous and subsequent levels of Saxon Math. The fourth edition is more aligned with the Common Core standards, but it also has some changes in the sequence, content, and format of the lessons. Make sure you choose the edition that suits your needs and preferences. Also, make sure you choose the level that matches your child's ability and readiness. You can use the placement tests on the Saxon Math website to determine which level is appropriate for your child.

  • Follow the lesson structure and sequence: Each lesson in Saxon Math 7/6 has a specific structure and sequence that you should follow for optimal results. The structure consists of four parts: warm-up, new concept introduction, lesson practice, and mixed practice. The warm-up includes facts practice, mental math, and problem solving exercises. The new concept introduction explains the new concept or skill using examples and exercises. The lesson practice provides practice problems on the new concept or skill. The mixed practice provides review problems on previous concepts or skills. You should follow this structure for each lesson, as it helps your child learn new concepts effectively and review old concepts regularly. You should also follow the sequence of the lessons as they are presented in the textbook, as they are designed to build on each other incrementally.

  • Use the tests and worksheets for assessment and reinforcement: In addition to the daily lessons, Saxon Math 7/6 also provides tests and worksheets that you can use for assessment and reinforcement. The tests are cumulative tests that measure your child's understanding and progress every five to ten lessons - The worksheets are optional worksheets that provide extra practice or enrichment on specific topics or skills. You can use the tests and worksheets for assessment and reinforcement, as they help you monitor your child's progress and identify any areas of weakness or strength. You can also use the solutions manual to check your child's answers and provide feedback.

  • Adjust the pace and difficulty according to your child's needs and abilities: Saxon Math 7/6 is a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that may not suit every child's learning style, pace, or level. You may need to adjust the pace and difficulty of the curriculum according to your child's needs and abilities. For example, you may need to slow down or speed up the pace of the lessons, depending on how well your child grasps the concepts and skills. You may also need to modify or skip some of the problems, depending on how challenging or easy they are for your child. You may also need to review or reteach some of the concepts or skills, depending on how well your child remembers or applies them. You should tailor the curriculum to your child's individual needs and abilities, as long as you maintain the integrity and quality of the curriculum.

  • Supplement with manipulatives and games if needed: Saxon Math 7/6 is a textbook-based curriculum that relies mainly on written exercises and problems. Some students may benefit from using manipulatives and games to supplement the curriculum, as they can make math more concrete, visual, and fun. Manipulatives are physical objects that represent mathematical concepts or operations, such as base ten blocks, fraction strips, algebra tiles, etc. Games are activities that involve math skills or strategies, such as card games, board games, puzzles, etc. You can use manipulatives and games to supplement the curriculum if needed, as they can enhance your child's understanding and interest in math.


Saxon Math 7/6 is a math curriculum that is designed for students in grade 6 or for grade 7 students who are struggling with math. It is a thorough, solid, outstanding, spiral, incremental, continuous review, real world problem solving curriculum that has many pros and cons. It is also a challenging and time intensive curriculum that may require some adjustments and supplements according to your child's needs and abilities. If you are looking for a math curriculum that will prepare your child for algebra and higher math, you may want to consider Saxon Math 7/6. You can access the PDF version of Saxon Math 7/6 for free online by following this link: [Saxon Math 7/6 PDF Download Free]. We hope this article has helped you understand what Saxon Math 7/6 is and how to use it effectively in your homeschool.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Saxon Math 7/6:

What is the difference between Saxon Math 7/6 and other Saxon Math levels?

Saxon Math 7/6 is part of a series of courses that move students from primary grades to algebra. The series consists of the following levels:

  • Saxon Math K-3: These are kindergarten to grade 3 courses that use manipulatives and worksheets to teach basic math concepts and skills.

  • Saxon Math Intermediate 3-5: These are grade 3 to grade 5 courses that transition students from manipulatives to textbooks.

  • Saxon Math 5/4-8/7: These are grade 4 to grade 8 courses that prepare students for algebra by teaching arithmetic, geometry, measurement, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, probability, statistics, etc.

  • Saxon Algebra 1/2-Advanced Mathematics: These are high school courses that teach algebra, geometry, trigonometry, precalculus, calculus, etc.

Saxon Math 7/6 is one of the levels in the Saxon Math 5/4-8/7 series. It is equivalent to grade 6 math or grade 7 remedial math.

How can I check my child's answers for Saxon Math 7/6?

You can check your child's answers for Saxon Math 7/6 by using the solutions manual that comes with the curriculum. The solutions manual provides detailed solutions and explanations for all the problems in the textbook, tests, and worksheets. You can use the solutions manual to check your child's answers and provide feedback.

Where can I find more resources and support for Saxon Math 7/6?

You can find more resources and support for Saxon Math 7/6 by visiting the following websites:

[Saxon Homeschool](^ You can access the PDF version of Saxon Math 7/6 for free online by following this link: [Saxon Math 7/6 PDF Download Free](^4^). This link will take you to a PDF file that contains the course description, table of contents, and sample lessons of Saxon Math 7/6. You can download and print this file for your personal use. However, please note that this file does not include the complete textbook, tests, and worksheets of Saxon Math 7/6. You will need to purchase these materials separately if you want to use the full curriculum.

If you are looking for more resources and support for Saxon Math 7/6, you can also visit the following websites:

  • [Saxon Homeschool](^1^): This is the official website of Saxon Math for homeschoolers. Here you can find more information about the curriculum, placement tests, scope and sequence, FAQs, and contact details.

  • [](^2^): This is an online retailer that sells Saxon Math products at discounted prices. Here you can browse and buy individual Saxon Math items, such as textbooks, tests, worksheets, solutions manuals, manipulatives, etc.

  • [The Curriculum Store](^3^): This is another online retailer that offers Saxon Math products at affordable prices. Here you can also find and purchase individual Saxon Math materials.

  • [Quizlet](^6^): This is a website that provides free solutions for Saxon Math 7/6. Here you can find expert-verified solutions for all the problems in the textbook, tests, and worksheets. You can also create your own flashcards and quizzes to study and practice.

  • [](^5^): This is a website that provides free math worksheets, games, quizzes, and videos for students of all grades and levels. Here you can find additional resources and activities to supplement your Saxon Math 7/6 learning.

We hope this article has helped you understand what Saxon Math 7/6 is and how to use it effectively in your homeschool. Saxon Math 7/6 is a math curriculum that will prepare your child for algebra and higher math by teaching them arithmetic, geometry, measurement, fractions, decimals, percents, ratios, proportions, probability, statistics, and more. It is a thorough, solid, outstanding, spiral, incremental, continuous review, real world problem solving curriculum that has many pros and cons. It is also a challenging and time intensive curriculum that may require some adjustments and supplements according to your child's needs and abilities. If you are looking for a math curriculum that will give your child a strong foundation in mathematics, you may want to consider Saxon Math 7/6.


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